How Can I support?
Your support means the world to us!
Account Name: Base Care Foundation Bangladesh
Account Number: 225100 000 7021
Bank Name: Dhaka Bank Limited
Branch: Mohakhali Branch
Address: 100 Mohakhali, Bir Uttam AK Khondokar Road, Dhaka 1212
Volunteer for Base Care Foundation
As a volunteer you can help boost our power, lighten the load, and exponentially increase our impact.
We’re still a small charity, so we don’t have many of the ‘typical’ volunteering opportunities you may expect – currently we’re on the lookout for people who have specific professional skill sets who can help get our messages out there.
If you have a skill like this you think we can use, and you’re willing to freely give your time, energy, and expertise kindly contact us.
Sponsor a Project
If you like to sponsor a project
1. Selina Clinic (for Worker’s Health and welfare)
2. Invincible – Oparajeo (PTSD- mental health support)
For international sponsors we have UK based Bank account
Name: Base Health Foundation
Barclays Bank
Sort code: 20-76-90
Account No: 23043843
Be a Corporate Parter
Think if your business can build a partnership with our organisation and support different projects of our Foundations. We are a small charity organisation which needs your support to grow and serve the community.
Our Current Corporate Partners:
- Harley Street Gynaecology Ltd UK
- M&J Group Bangladesh
- Renaissance Group Bangladesh